Angel Heart (Chi Luo Tian Shi) is a 1995 horror and thriller film. Directed by Alan Parker, the film stars renowned actors like Mickey Rourke, Robert De Niro, and Lisa Bonet. Angel Heart takes audiences on a dark, dramatic, and mysterious jouey.
The film revolves around the story of Harry Angel (played by Mickey Rourke), a private detective hired to find a missing man. During the investigation, Harry gets entangled in a supeatural and enigmatic world, where strange events and supeatural phenomena occur incessantly. He discovers that there is not only one secret related to the missing man but also to his own life and soul.
Angel Heart is a well-produced film with excellent writing and beautiful visuals. The film uses light and color to create a haunting and terrifying atmosphere while evoking a sense of mystery and mystique for viewers. The performances of the actors are outstanding, especially the remarkable portrayals by Mickey Rourke and Robert De Niro.
With the keyword "Angel Heart," this film deserves mention in the list of great horror and thriller movies. The compelling story and tight film structure captivate the audience';s attention. Angel Heart is a peculiar and worth-watching piece that delivers frightening and haunting experiences for viewers.